As public sector initiatives to support pharmaceutical developments grow scarce, private investors step in to ensure growth
Sustainability measures must be fully considered before firms and other organisations choose a project
As many Asian economies seek recovery, infrastructure projects continue to press for revenue
More and more investors and consumers are considering the attraction of biomass production
The US Senate’s stalled climate bill is getting a last big push from an unlikely ally – a group of energy companies
To critics, GM food is still the stuff of science fiction novels. However, given the recent advances that are helping solve world hunger and malnutrition, should we still be scared?
Joseph Callaghan and Kevin Lucey investigate links between countries’ credit rating changes and returns on domestic equity markets
In the midst of the controversy surrounding the discovery of Apple’s encrypted location tracking file, Ines Berkhof looks at how Orwellian modern society has become as tedious as the overused reference has become
Deployment of UAS vehicles has intensified in recent years and they look set to play a significant role in the future, for better or worse
Salmon farmers and breeders who dominate global sales have a wary eye on transgenic super-fish that might gulp part of the $107bn-a-year business, writes Walter Gibbs
US researchers have made a find that could prolong the life of current drugs or help find better ones
China has put its relations with Latin America’s largest economy back on track by sending Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff home with billions of dollars in pledged investments, showing its economic clout and easing, for now, Brazil’s concerns over trade imbalances