Top 5 solar states in the US
As solar capacity picks up pace throughout the US, we take a look at last year’s top five solar states, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association
Solar Farm at Death Valley in California
1. California
Helped by a plethora of government initiatives and an impressive renewable energy infrastructure, California installed 2745.8MW of new solar energy capacity in 2013 – more than three times that of its nearest rival. Moreover, California’s new solar energy capacity led to the creation of 47,100 related jobs.
2. Arizona
100 percent of Arizona’s new electrical capacity in 2013 was solar-based, and the resulting solar energy produced in 2014 will save enough water to fill approximately 25,000 swimming pools. Through last year alone, Arizona created 700.7MW of new capacity, enough to power 126,894 households.
3. North Carolina
Throughout 2013, solar installations at North Carolina’s numerous data centres produced enough electricity to power in excess of 213,000 computers. 2013 represented something of a bumper year for North Carolina, with new solar capacity added in those 12 months equivalent to 31,809 homes at an impressive 335.4MW.
The east coast state added 237.2MW of new solar capacity through 2013, which otherwise equates to 38,504 homes worth of electricity generation and 440 new related jobs. What’s more, there currently exists 47 solar panels for every seat at Massachusetts’ infamous Fenway Park.
5. New Jersey
As was the case with six other American states and Washington DC, 100 percent of New Jersey’s new electrical capacity last year derived from solar. The state’s 235.6MW of new solar capacity is capable of powering 33,701 homes and, what’s more, created something in the region of 6,500 new jobs.