Travis Kalanick, Uber

Travis Kalanick, who co-founded Uber alongside Garrett Camp and is now CEO, is allegedly possessed of a bit of a temper. He evidently has passion, because Uber is only five years old and has been valued at a staggering $18.2bn. The smartphone-based car service now operates across the globe

Few would have envisaged much room for reassessing the taxi and private car hire market a few years ago, but Uber has completely reinvigorated an industry entering a new digital maturity. The firm reconsidered the supply chain: with drivers chosen based on their proximity to pick ups and customers ordering immediately, the enterprise makes strong use of smartphone technology. Uber’s real genius is in its affordability, driving it to the forefront of the market. Kalanick, the man behind this success, has been instrumental in carving Uber’s niche.