Hlping u 2 kick hbits

To quit smoking is no mean feat, and governments around the world have applied all sorts of strategies in order to inspire smokers to bin cigarettes for good- the smoke ban in pubs being one drastic measure. One of the latest initiatives to help would-be quitters in their quest is encouraging text messages. According to […]

To quit smoking is no mean feat, and governments around the world have applied all sorts of strategies in order to inspire smokers to bin cigarettes for good- the smoke ban in pubs being one drastic measure. One of the latest initiatives to help would-be quitters in their quest is encouraging text messages. According to UK researchers, it’s believed that this approach could double the chance of someone successfully kicking the habit.

Of the 2,900 smokers taking part in the programme, about 10 percent had managed to quit after six months, thanks to receiving supportive text messages. The group that opted to take part were sent five texts a day for the first five weeks, followed by three texts a week for the next 26 weeks. To offer a sample message, one read as follows: “Quick result! Carbon monoxide has now left your body!”

Of the smokers taking part in the study, but without the help of text support, only 4.9 percent quit successfully. Hence, the study calls for texts to be included in programmes to help people give up cigarettes for good.